Planting Guides - month by month - follow these proven tips
Nurture your soil
Prepare beds for summer crops- add compost, manure, potash.
Make compost from grass clippings and garden dross. Turn later in the month.
Turn in green manure crop(preferably barley) to rot down before planting tomatoes in that plot.
Feed citrus trees under drip line.
Water before and after feeding.
Plant care
Sow seeds:
Legumes – Direct or in milk pots - peas
Leaf- lettuce
Brassicas – brussel sprouts, cabbage,
Allium – leek, spring onions in punnets
Solanaceous - aubergine, capsicum, chilli, tomatoes in a warm position or in a mini greenhouse. When pumpkin seeds are sprouting in compost the soil is warm enough to sow in plots.
Plant seedlings:
Allium – leeks, onions, garlic bulbs
Root – carrots, turnips
Perennials – Globe artichokes
Set out seed potatoes in the light to encourage strong shoots.
Plant seed potatoes.
Lift and divide clumps of herbs.
Keep broad beans growing strongly with fortnightly feeds of liquid fertiliser.
Prune and feed citrus along dripline with composted manure and mulch well.
Spray citrus with pest oil for scale.
Complete pruning of grapes.
Watch out for slugs and snails on tender new shoots.
Pull weeds before they seed.
Clean seedtrays ready for spring planting
This month is great for - beetroot, broccoli, broad beans, carrots, leeks, lettuce, mitzuna, onions, parsnip, peas, silverbeet, spinach, tatsoi,
TIPS Some prolific plants for Spring/Summer
Cucumber: Giant Russian, Green Gem,
Pumpkin: Jack Be Little, Waltham Butternut
Rockmelon: Noir des Carmes
Watermelon: Northern Sweet
Zucchini: Black Beauty, Golden Arch Crooknet, Rondo de Nice,Yellow Straightneck
Aubergine: Black Beauty, Rosa Bianca, Thai Green, Turkish Orange
Capsicum: Californian Wonder, Jimmy Nardello
Chilli: Jalepeno, Serrano
Tomato climbing: Baby Red Pear,Beams Yellow Pear,Beefsteak, Black Cherry,Break O Day,Broad Ripple,Yellow Currant,Cheroke Purple,daydream, Golden Sunray, Green Zebra, Grosse Lisse, harbinger, Lemon Drop
Moneymaker, mortgage lifter, Oxheart,
Ponderosa Pink, Purple Calabash, Raspberry,Red Cloud, Red Fig,Snow White, Speckled Roman,Sunray(Golden Orange),
Super Sioux, tigerella, Tommy Toe, verna
Orange, Yellow Pear
Bush beans: Brown Beauty, Cheroke Wax, Snake Bean, Strike, Windsor Long P od
Climbing Beans:Blue Lake, Climbing Princess, Lazy Housewife,Purple King,Zebra