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Planting Guides - month by month - follow these proven tips  




Nurture your soil

Keep plots mulched.

Add grass clippings and leaves to compost

Dig and lime  a plot for garlic.

Dig the green manure planted in earlier months into the soil and allow them to rot down and feed the worms and soil


Plant care

Direct sow:

Legumes – broad beans, peas, snow peas

Leaf – lettuce, silverbeet, spinach

Root – carrots


Plant out seedlings:

Brassicas - broccoli, cabbage, mitzuna, radish, tatsoi

Allium – garlic, shallots



Foliar feed leafy veggies and plants showing yellowing from nitrogen deficiency.

Remove finished plants such as basil, beans, corn, squash, tomato, zucchini.

Cover weeds in plots and paths with several layers of wet newspaper, then mulch with straw or wood chip. Earth up tall veggies like broccoli and brussel sprouts to protect them blowing over in strong winds.



Harvest pumpkins before frost damages skin.  Leave to cure in the sun before storing.  Beetroot, brussel sprouts, carrot, coriander, lettuce, mizuna, parsley, parsnip, peas, potatoes, silverbeet, snow peas, spinach, tatsoi,

Herbs and leaves.


Some winter lettuces

Cos - Verdi  & Red

Loose leaf - Celtice

Endive - Broad Leaved



Radicchio – Purple Rosso

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